Sunday, September 6, 2009

maintain beautiful nails and keep it strong

• First remove your old nail polish using a good nail polish remover.

• Avoid using some ruff surfaces to remove it; it may affect your nail layers. Use cotton balls to remove the nail polish.

• Use a file to shape your nails. The shape of the nails should not be sharp. The length of all the nails should be equal.

• Use orange wood stick to clean your nails and then soak your fingers in warm water to remove the dirt.

• Leave the cuticle intact so that it will help to prevent infection of the nail growing tissue.

• Now coat your nails with the nail polish, it is not necessary to use top coat and a base coat. You can use a single nail polish for top coat. After applying the polish dry it for some time.

• After this apply some moisturizing cream to the cuticles and hands to prevent splitting up of nails.

There are 10 tricks to keep your manicure looking great for longer

• Keeping short nails are safe then growing nails.

• Be careful with your cuticles. Apply oil to the cuticles. Use cotton to remove the nail polish. Clean the nails daily.

• To keep your nails healthy eat calcium and magnesium rich foods.

• You can also protect your nails by using artificial nails.

• Do not to remove and reapply nail polish more than once or twice a week as these causes in drying your nails.

and keep it strong

You need to apply nail hardener, 2 coats to clean nails before doing anything else. you need to do this at least twice a week. first, apply the nail hardener, then if you'd like, apply your nail polish.

You need to use a nail polish remover and nail polish that has a nail hardener in it. after removing old nail polish then buff your nails and paint your nails with the nail hardener.

Another way to strengthen and harden nails is gelatin. usually found in the pudding section, it is clear and flavorless. eat this a few times a week or daily if you'd like.

Keep your nails short and trimmed to all the same length until they start strengthening and hardening to keep from breaking and chipping.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


  • As the first step in brushing your teeth, you need to moisten your toothbrush slightly and apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the same.
  • Now, start brushing from the upper left molars (back teeth). Make sure to concentrate the brush the front surface of the tooth.
  • You will have to work in a clockwise direction, with the brush covering not more than 2 to 3 teeth at a time.
  • Hold the toothbrush in such a position that it is parallel to your teeth, while the bristles are pointing in the direction of the tissue. Remember, the bristles should be resting slightly below the gumline.
  • In the next step, apply slight pressure on the bristles of the toothbrush, making them bend slightly.
  • Start moving the brush in a circular motion and continue doing so for approximately 20 brush strokes, around 10 seconds.
  • After the 20 strokes are over, you need to roll the bristles away from the gum tissue, in a sweeping motion.
  • Repeat the whole procedure once again, till you feel that all of the front surfaces of the top and bottom teeth have been cleaned.
  • Now, you have to move the toothbrush to the inside surfaces of the teeth and repeat the steps for the upper and lower premolars and molars.
  • Coming down to the front teeth, clean the inner surfaces first, known as the lingual surface.
  • For cleaning the lingual surface, take the tip of the toothbrush, and in a flipping motion, direct the toothbrush down from the gumline. Repeat 2 to 3 times.
  • Follow the above procedure for the inside of the lower front teeth as well, the only difference being that here, the flip will be directed up, away from the gumline. Repeat 2 to 3 times.
  • Finally, you will have to clean the biting surface of the upper and lower premolars and molars, followed by the tongue and the inside of your cheeks.
  • The brushing procedure is complete. Now, all you have to do is rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash.