Friday, November 20, 2009


Step 1 Ask yourself why you want to stop smoking.

Create a plan and choose a quit date. If you are taking an antidepressant to help you quit, most doctors recommend that you take the medicine for two weeks before quitting

Step 2 Write your answers on a piece of paper and carry it with you.

Step 3 Use it to remind yourself of why you want to stop, whenever you feel like smoking.
Tell everyone you know that you are going to quit and on what day. This will give them fair warning if you don't seem yourself right after you quit, and it will encourage you to keep your word

Gather as much support as you can. Try to convince your spouse or partner or a friend to quit with you. Join a support group online or find one in your area

Step 4 Fill out a "stop smoking contract" and have a family member or friend sign it. Throw away all your cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays.
Remove all smoking paraphernalia on your quit day. Throw away any leftover cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters.

Step 5 Change your schedule to avoid circumstances in which you usually smoke. Walk around the block or chew gum when you would normally be smoking.

Step 6 Put up "no smoking" signs in your house and work area, and even in your car.

Step 7 Prepare yourself to feel the urge to start smoking again. The American Cancer Society suggests four ways to deal with the urge to smoke: delaying, deep breathing, drinking water and doing something else.

Keep yourself occupied at all times for the first few days. Go to restaurants where smoking is not allowed, play a sport, work on hobbies. Remember that the cravings will be frequent, but they do not last that long.

Step 8 Carry around "mouth toys" such as candy, gum, straws and carrot sticks.

Step 9 List the good things that have happened since you stopped, and keep the list with you wherever you go as an inspiration.

Step 10 Reward yourself for quitting; you could take the money you might have spent on cigarettes and buy yourself something nice.

Celebrate quitting milestones. Promise yourself something new if you can go two days, a week, a month without smoking. Use the money you would have otherwise spent on cigarettes

Monday, November 16, 2009


The Correct Way To Drink Water:
10. Drink more if you're pregnant. Women who are expecting or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 10 cups of fluids daily and women who breast-feed take in about 13 cups of fluids a day.